Hydrophobic effect entropy
Hydrophobic effect entropy

hydrophobic effect entropy

Such interfacial layering of simple liquids has been theoretically predicted, but observational evidence has been ambiguous. Three well-defined layers within the fluid at each facet. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy images of room-temperature fluid xenon in small faceted cavities in aluminum reveal the presence of Allen,2 Ian Morrison,1 Kazuo Furuya,3 Minghui Song,3 Kazutaka Mitsuishi,3 Ulrich Dahmen4

hydrophobic effect entropy

Ordering in a Fluid Inert Gas Confined by Flat Surfaces Look who worked on this topic! Strange coincidence or the one and the same? ( Strange coincidence, the SEAS Ian) Below is a paper abstract. This effect seems to be on a molecular level but does it have any truth on a macroscopic level? Or microfluidics? What length scales are important?

Hydrophobic effect entropy